Investment Properties
Share Portfolios
Managed Funds
Gearing – Margin Lending
Debt Consolidation
Deductible versus Non-Deductible Debt
Debt Recycling
Super Consolidation
Salary Sacrifice
Income Streams
Tax Strategies
Emergency Funds
Death, Injury and/or Accident, Trauma
Age Pension
Assets/Income Tests
Income Tax
Small Business CGT Concessions
Tax Effective Investments
Power of Attorney
At Essential Wealth and Retirement, we recognise that everyone’s situations and goals are unique, which is why we personally tailor your financial solutions to your circumstances. We believe that financial advice should not be complicated, therefore we provide simple, clear and straightforward advice in partnership with our clients. Not only do we make use of our experience and expertise in current financial climates, we are future focused, in order to assist you to build your financial security for decades to come.